Happy Pride

Going into June, we are all celebrating Pride month. This is a month to honor and celebrate our true and authentic selves. But what a lot of people don’t know, myself included when I was a young gay, that Pride month wasn’t built on celebration. Pride month is built on the devastation or the suppression and destruction of people just for being seen as different. I had a person talk to me the other day, now I say this next part not to paint them as a bad person. Genuinely, I believe they were asking this question in a pure and unintentionally insulting way. They asked me why we need a month. Now I say they asked in an unintentionally insulting way, because yes, it is an insulting question.

Taking a minute, I collected myself and remembered the intent behind the question, and not the effect of it. The most common answer often given, just like any other marginalized group. This is a time for us to take back our rights and not be oppressed any longer. considering this answer, as it is the same answer I usually give, I thought a minute and felt, there’s a better way to understand this.

After thinking about it, I came up with a different approach. We celebrate to honor those with no more time. What do I mean by that. Throughout history, and still to this day, people are taken from us too soon because of the color of their skin, or the way they were designed to love, or because they were born and from day one, felt like things didn’t align.

During Pride, we honor and celebrate those that gave the ultimate sacrifice so we can stand proud and tall. Because in the end, we are nothing but a collection of memories gathered over time. And I would in a second give back everything to have my sisters, brothers, and others still with us today. Imagine a world where instead of being taken from us, Matthew Sheppard is given the time to grow up to be the adult he always expected to be. Imagine the great things if Harvey Milk was given the time to continue fighting the good fight. And lets not forget the literal hundreds of our Trans family who are horrifyingly taken every year. Imagine what any number of them could have been if given the time.

But most importantly, even if they didn’t fight the fight, or change the world. Imagine the personal effect any of these people would have on those around them, if only they were allowed the time to live quiet and private lives

If you are a fellow member of our community, please go into this month remembering those that were not allowed the time to laugh and celebrate any longer. By all means have fun, but even in the fun honor those whose shoulders you are standing on.

If you are an ally and want to know how you can help. I could give you this list of things you could do to make this a better world for everyone, but instead I’m going to give you the advice I wish I was given before I came out. Yes we are celebrating, but don’t think for a second that we are not also raging. We are raging against a world that proves they hate us every day. We are raging against the thought that our lives or our freedoms mean nothing to so many. Also, we are raging against those that actively look to do us harm. If you want to ally for us, rage with us.

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